window grille

Our Invisible Grille

  • Invisible Grille comes with 2,3 or 4 inch Gap.
  • Anti – Rust Design means MAINTENANCE FREE.
  • We are able to CUSTOMIZE any curve project.
  • Easy to CLEAN and MAINTAIN.
  • Option for Horizontal or Vertical Installation.
  • We provide QUALITY workmanship.

Balcony Invisible Grille

Window Invisible Grille

Window Grille

Our Window Grill are available in a variety of elegant designs that fulfill security requirements without taking away from the general ambiance.
We have various shapes and sizes to fulfill the wide needs for you.

Door Gate

We use only the highest grade of materials, so our clients get top quality door gate with some of the finest finishes!!

Window restrictor

We are using the original " Jackloc " window restrictor and has been been specifically designed to reduce the risk of falls from windows. Its innovative design enables it to be fitted to all types of windows – whether they’re wooden, uPVC, aluminium, steel or composite construction. The Jackloc range offers the choice of key-lockable or push and turn operation, along with a permanently-fixed cable.

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